Safety Alert: Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are in danger, please use a safer computer, call our 24-hour hotline at 618-524-4357.
The Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline is 877-863-6338, &/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE.
24 Hour Crisis Hotline 618-524-HELP
Working Together to End Domestic Violence
See how we are serving survivors during the Covid-19 crisis
The Emergency Shelter provides residents with their most basic need, a safe place to sleep, while the residents work on plans and skills for a future without violence.
Navigating the legal system can be overwhelming. From safety planning to Orders of Protection, Legal Advocates support and assist those experiencing domestic violence through the process
Breaking the isolation of domestic violence through counseling can help survivors move forward. By providing a safe and stigma-free space to work through trauma, they can begin healing.